Topic: 83rd NIA CFD Seminar: Hyperbolic Navier-Stokes Method for High-Reynolds-Number Boundary-Layer Flows
Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Time: 11:00am-noon (EST)
Room: NIA, Rm 137
Speaker: Hiro Nishikawa, Associate Research Fellow, NIA
Abstract: This talk will discuss serious accuracy and stability problems in hyperbolic schemes for high-Reynolds-number boundary-layer calculations. For a model one-dimensional problem, a simple fix is derived by minimizing a first-order discretization error, which suggests that the relaxation length scale must be inversely proportional to the Reynolds number. Accurate and efficient computations are demonstrated for model equations in one and two dimensions. Extensions to 3D Navier-Stokes computations are also discussed.
Bio: Dr. Hiro Nishikawa is Associate Research Fellow, NIA. He earned Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering and Scientific Computing at the University of Michigan in 2001. He then worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan on adaptive grid methods, local preconditioning methods, multigrid methods, rotated-hybrid Riemann solvers, high-order upwind and viscous schemes, etc., and joined NIA in 2007. His area of expertise is the algorithm development for CFD, focusing on hyperbolic methods for robust, efficient, highly accurate viscous discretization schemes.