Title: HPC Incubator Speaker Series: High Performance Computing Architectures Use at APL for Modeling Speaker: Jacob Alldredge, Senior Scientist, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2017 Location:…
Tag: 2017 Seminars
12-12-2017 | Harry Millwater: A New Finite Element Method Based on Hypercomplex Algebra for the Computation of High-Order Derivatives
Title: High Performance Computing Incubator Speaker Series: A New Finite Element Method based on Hypercomplex Algebra for the Computation of High-order Derivatives Speaker: Dr. Harry Millwater, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University…
11-30-2017 | [CANCELLED] Teng Li: Rethink Wood: Its Unconventional Applications in Advanced Material Design
CANCELLED: Title: Rethink Wood: Its Unconventional Applications in Advanced Material Design Speaker: Teng Li, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland Date: WILL BE RESCHEDULED Time: 1:00pm Location: NASA/LaRC, Building 1293A,…