Title: “Recent DNS and LES Studies with Separation” Speaker: Philippe Spalart, Boeing Date: Friday, April 14, 2017 Time: 10:00am Location: NASA/LaRC, IESB Bldg. 2102, Reid 2 Sponsor/Hosts: Mujeeb Malik/Christopher Rumsey Weblink: Meeting…
Tag: Philippe Spalart
03-28-2017 | Philippe Spalart: RANS and LES: Our Allies in the Quest for Turbulence
Title: “RANS and LES: Our Allies in the Quest for Turbulence” Speaker: Philippe Spalart, Boeing Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Time: 2:00pm Location: NASA/LaRC, IESB Bldg. 2102, Reid 2 Sponsor/Hosts: Mujeeb…