Aeronautical Systems
Brooks, T., Humphreys, W., and Plassman, G., “Initial DAMAS Processing for a Phased Array Study in the NASA Langley Jet Noise Laboratory,” AIAA Paper 2010-3780, in Proceedings of the 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 7-9 June 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
Crespo, L.G., Matsutani, M., and Annaswamy, A.M., “Design of a Model Reference Adaptive Controller for an Unmanned Air Vehicle,” AIAA Paper 2010-8049, in Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, 2-5 August 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Crespo, L.G., Matsutani, M., and Annaswamy, A.M., “Verification and Tuning of an Adaptive Controller for an Unmanned Air Vehicle,” AIAA Paper 2010-8403, in Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, 2-5 August 2010, Toronto, Canada
Fuller, C., and Harne, R., “Passive Distributed Vibration Absorbers for Low Frequency Noise Control,” Noise Contr. Eng., 58 (2010): 627-635, doi:10.3397/1.3491132
Gibson, T., Matsutani, M., Crespo, L.G., Annaswamy, A.M., “Internal Algorithm Monitors for Adaptive Systems,” AIAA Paper 2010-3341, in Proceedings of the AIAA InfoTech@Aerospace Conference, 20-22 April 2010, Atlanta, Georgia
Hubbard, J., Humbert, J.S., Pines, D., Ulrich, E., and Grauer, J., “System Identification of an Ornithopter Aerodynamics Model,” AIAA Paper 2010-7632, in Proceedings of the AIAA Conference on Guidance, Navigation, and Control, 2-5 August 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Grauer, J., and Hubbard, J., “Modeling of Ornithopter Flight Dynamics for State Estimation and Control,” in Proceedings of the American Automatic Control Council’s American Controls Conference, IEEE, 30 June-2 July 2010, Baltimore, Maryland
Hubbard, J.E., Spatial Filtering for the Control of Smart Structures: An Introduction, (Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010) 224 pp, ISBN-10: 3642038034
Liu, Y., and Crespo, L.G., “Adaptive Control Allocation in the Presence of Actuator Failures,” AIAA Paper 2010-7772, in Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, 2-5 August 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Matsutani, M., Annaswamy, A.M., Crespo, L.G., “Adaptive Control in the Presence of Rate Saturation with Application to the GTM,” AIAA Paper 2010-7771, in Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, 2-5 August 2010, Toronto, Canada
Matsutani, M., Annaswamy, A.M., and Crespo, L.G., “Application of a Novel Adaptive Reset Controller to the GTM,” AIAA Paper 2010-8405, in Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, 2-5 August 2010, Toronto, Canada
Shen, J., Chopra, I., and Johnson, W., “Performance of Swashplateless Helicopter Rotor with Trailing-Edge Flaps for Primary Flight Control,” J. Am. Helicopter Soc., 55 (2010): 042005-9, doi:10.4050/JAHS.55.042005
Sun, Z., Chen, X., and He, Z., “Adaptive Critic Design for Energy Minimization of Portable Video Communication Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System for Video Technology, 20 (2010): 27-37, doi:10.1109/TCSVT.2009.2026835
Tummala, Y., Wissa, A., Frecker, M., and Hubbard, J., “Design of Passively Morphing Ornithopter Wing Using a Compliant Spine,” in Proceedings of the ASME Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS) Conference, 28 September-1 October 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Ulrich, E., Faruque, I., Grauer, J., Pines, D., Humbert, J., and Hubbard, J., “Control Model for Robotic Samara: Dynamics about a Coordinated Helical Turn,” in Proceedings of the American Automatic Control Council’s American Controls Conference, IEEE, 30 June-2 July 2010, Baltimore, Maryland
Ulrich, E., Grauer, J., Pines, D., Hubbard, J., and Humbert, J.S., “Identification of a Robotic Samara Aerodynamic/Multi-Body Dynamic Model,” AIAA Paper 2010-8233, in Proceedings of the AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2-5 August 2010, Toronto, Canada
Atmospheric Science
Chen, B., Huang, J.P., Minnis, P., Hu, Y., Yi, Y., Liu, Z., Zhang, D., and Wang, X., “Detection of Dust Aerosol by Combining CALIPSO Active Lidar and Passive IIR Measurements,” Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10 (2010): 4241- 4251, doi:10.5194/acp-10-4241-2010
Huang, J., Choi, H., Hopke, P., and Holsen, T., “Ambient Mercury Sources in Rochester, NY: Results from Principle Component Analysis (PCA) of Mercury Monitoring Network Data,” Environ. Sci. Technol., 44 (2010): 8441-8445, doi:10.1021/es102744
Kar, J., Deeter, M.N., Fishman, J., Liu, Z., Omar, A., Creilson, J.K., Trepte, C.R., Vaughan, M.A., and Winker, D.M., “The Bihar Pollution Pool as Observed from MOPITT (version 4), CALIPSO (version 3) 1 and Tropospheric Ozone Residual Data,” Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 10 (2010): 20887-20920, doi:10.5194/acpd-10-20887-2010
Su, J., McCormick, M., Liu, Z., Leavor, K., Lee, R., Levis, J., and Hill, M., “Obtaining a Ground-Based Lidar Geometric Form Factor Using Coincident Spaceborne Lidar Measurements,” Appl. Opt., 49 (2010):108-113, doi:10.1364/AO.49.000108
Vaughan, M., Liu, Z., McGill, M., Hu, Y., and Obland, M., “On the Spectral Dependence of Backscatter from Cirrus Clouds: Assessing CALIOP’s 1064 nm Calibration Assumptions using Cloud Physics Lidar Measurements,” J. Geophys. Res., 115 (2010): D14206, doi:10.1029/2009JD013086
Yu, H., Chin, M., Winker, D., Omar, A., Liu, Z., Kittake, C., and Diehl, T., “Global View of Aerosol Vertical Distributions from CALIPSO Lidar Measurements and GOCART Simulations: Regional and Seasonal Variations,” J. Geophys. Res., 115 (2010): D00H30, doi:10.1029/2009JD013364
Computational Science
Diskin, B., and Thomas J.L., “Comparison of Cell-Centered and Node-Centered Unstructured Finite-Volume Discretizations: Inviscid Fluxes,” AIAA Paper 2010-1079, in Proceedings of the 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 5-7 January 2010, Orlando, Florida
Diskin, B., and Thomas, J.L., “Notes on Accuracy of Finite-Volume Discretization Schemes on Irregular Grids,” Appl. Num. Math., 60(2010): 224-226, doi:10.1016/j.apnum.2009.12.001
Diskin, B., Thomas J.L., Nielsen, E.J., Nishikawa, H., and White, J.A., “Comparison of Node-Centered and Cell-Centered Unstructured Finite-Volume Discretizations: Viscous Fluxes,” AIAA Journal, 48 (2010): 1326-1338, doi:10.2514/1.44940
Fogarty, D.E., Wilber, M.L., and Sekula, M.K., “A Computational Study of BVI Noise Reduction Using Active Twist Control,” in Proceedings of the 66th Forum of The American Helicopter Society, Curran Associates, 11-13 May 2010, Phoenix, Arizona
Nielsen, E.J., Diskin, B., and Yamaleev, N.K., “Discrete Adjoint-Based Design Optimization of Unsteady Turbulent Flows on Dynamic Unstructured Grids,” AIAA Journal, 48 (2010): 1195-1206, doi:10.2514/1.49416
Nishikawa, H., “A First-Order System Approach for Diffusion Equation. II: Unification of Advection and Diffusion,” J. Comp. Phys., 229 (2010): 3989-4016, doi:10.1016/
Nishikawa, H., “Beyond Interface Gradient: A General Principle for Constructing Diffusion Schemes,” AIAA Paper 2010-5093, in Proceedings of the 40th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 28 June-1 July 2010, Chicago, Illinois
Nishikawa, H., Diskin, B., and Thomas J.L., “A Critical Study of Agglomerated Multigrid Methods for Diffusion,” AIAA Journal, 48 (2010): 839-847, doi:10.2514/1.49415
Nishikawa, H., Diskin, B., and Thomas, J.L., “Development and Application of Agglomerated Multigrid Methods for Complex Geometries,” AIAA Paper 2010-4731, in Proceedings of the 40th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 28 June-1 July 2010, Chicago, Illinois
Orifici, A.C., and Krueger, R., “Assessment of Static Delamination Propagation Capabilities in Commercial Finite Element Codes Using Benchmark Analysis,” NASA/CR-2010-216709, NIA Report No. 2010-03, 2010
Roux, P., and Siminiceanu, R., “Model Checking with Edge-Valued Decision Diagrams,” NASA/CR-2010-216710, June 2010
Uhlig, D., Selig, M., and Neogi, N., “Health Monitoring via Neural Networks”, AIAA Paper 2010-3419, in Proceedings of the AIAA InfoTech@Aerospace Conference, 20-22 April 2010, Atlanta, Georgia
Yamaleev, N.K., Diskin, B., and Nielsen, E.J., “Local-in-Time Adjoint-Based Methods for Design Optimization of Unsteady Flows,” J. Comp. Phys., 229 (2010): 5394-5407, doi:10.1016/
Yamaleev, N.K., Diskin, B., and Pathak, K., “Error Minimization via Adjoint-Based Anisotropic Grid Adaptation,” AIAA Paper 2010-4436, in Proceedings of the 40th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 28 June-1 July 2010, Chicago, Illinois
Exploration Systems
Arney, D., and Wilhite, A., “A Flexible Modeling Environment for Evaluating Space System Architectures,” AIAA Paper 2010-8107, in Proceedings of the AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2-5 August 2010, Toronto, Canada
Arney, D., and Wilhite, A., “A Modeling Environment for the Optimization of Space Architectures,” AIAA Paper 2010-8665, in Proceedings of the AIAA SPACE Conference and Exposition, 30 August-2 September 2010, Anaheim, California
Arney, D., and Wilhite, A., “Orbital Propellant Depots Enabling Lunar Architectures Without Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicles,” J. Spacecraft Rockets, 47 (2010): 353-360, doi:10.2514/1.44532
Chai, P., and Wilhite, A., “Quantifying the Effects of Model Uncertainty on Design Mass Margin in Advanced Earth-to-Orbit Launch Vehicles,” AIAA Paper 2010-8631, in Proceedings of the AIAA SPACE Conference and Exposition, 30 August-2 September 2010, Anaheim, California
Dwyer Cianciolo, A.M., Davis, J.L., Komar, D.L., et al., “Entry, Descent and Landing Systems Analysis Study: Phase 1 Report,” NASA/TM-2010-216720, (2010)
Gaebler, J.A., and Tolson. R.H., “Failure Bounding and Sensitivity Analysis Applied to Monte Carlo Entry, Descent, and Landing Simulations,” AAS Paper 10-188, in Proceedings of the 20th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 14-17 February 2010, San Diego, California
Hickman, J., Wilhite, A., Stanley, D., and Komar, D., “Optimization of the Mars Ascent Vehicle for Human Space Exploration,” J. Spacecraft Rockets, 47 (2010): 361-370, doi:10.2514/1.45101
Jones, C., Masse, D., Glass, C., Wilhite, A., and Walker, M., “PHARO: Propellant Harvesting of Atmospheric Resources in Orbit,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, 6-13 March 2010, Big Sky, Montana
Masse, D., and Wilhite, A., “Aerodynamic Optimization of an Unmanned Orbiter Vehicle,” AIAA Paper 2010-9354, in Proceedings of the 13th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis Optimization Conference, 13-15 September 2010, Fort Worth, Texas
Maxwell, A., and Wilhite, A., “A Value Proposition Analysis of Propulsion Options for Crewed Mars Missions,” AIAA Paper 2010-8679, in Proceedings of the AIAA SPACE Conference and Exposition, 30 August-2 September 2010, Anaheim, California
Maxell, A., and Wilhite, A., “A Value Proposition for Revolutionary Technology Applied to Crewed Mars Missions,” IAC Paper 10.A5.4.5 in Proceedings of the International Astronautical Federation’s 61st International Astronautical Congress, 27 September-1 October, Prague, Czech Republic
Simon, M.A., and Wilhite, A., “Systems Level Evaluation of Space and Planetary Habitat Interior Layouts,” AIAA Paper 2010-8220, in Proceedings of the AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2-5 August 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Simon, B., and Wilhite, A., “A Structured Method for Calculating Habitable Volume for In-Space and Surface Habitats,” IAC Paper 10.A5.1.2 in Proceedings of the International Astronautical Federation’s 61st International Astronautical Congress, 30 September-1 October, Prague, Czech Republic
Wilison, J., Tolson, R.H., and Mazzoleni, A., “An Efficient Method for Including Mars Mesoscale Model Data in Entry, Descent and Landing Simulations,” AIAA Paper 2010-7815, in Proceedings of the AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2-5 August 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Materials Science
Baldridge, T., Gupta, M.C., and Sun, C., “Nanostructures from Zirconium Diboride and Alumina Ceramics,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93 (2010): 2891–2896, doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2010.03781.x
Belcher, M.A., List, M.S., Ghose, S., Watson, K.A., Hopkins, J.W., Wohl, C.J., and Connell, J.W., “Effect of Laser Surface Preparation and Coupling Agent Composition on Durability of Adhesively Bonded Ti-6A1-4V,” in Proceedings of the Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE) Spring Meeting, 17-20 May 2010, Seattle, Washington
Browning, G., Carlsson, L.A., and Ratcliffe, J.G., “Redesign of the ECT Test for Mode III Delamination Testing. Part I: Finite Element Analysis,” J. Comp. Mater., 44 (2010): 1867-1881, doi:10.1177/0021998309356606
Clancy, T.C., Frankland, S.J.V., Hinkley, J.A., and Gates, T.S., “Multiscale Modeling of Thermal Conductivity of Polymer/Carbon Nanocomposites,” International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 49 (2010): 1555-1560, doi:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2010.05.007
Fletcher, A., Gupta, M.C., Dudley, K.L., and Vedeler, E., “Elastomer Foam Nanocomposites for Electromagnetic Dissipation and Shielding Applications,” Comp. Sci. and Tech., 70 (2010): 953-958, doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2010.02.011
Ghose, S., Cano, R.J., Britton, S.M., Watson, K.A., Jensen, B.J., and Connell, J.W., “High Temperature VARTM of Phenylethynyl Terminated Imides (PETI) Resins,” in Proceedings of the Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE) Spring Meeting, 17-20 May 2010, Seattle, Washington
Ghose, S., Cano, R.J., Watson, K.A., Britton, S.M., Jensen, B.J., and Connell, J.W., “Phenylethynyl Terminated Imide (PETI) Composites Made by High Temperature VARTM,” in Proceedings of the European Society of Composite Material’s 14th European Conference on Composite Materials, 7-10 June 2010, Budapest, Hungary
Glaessgen, E., Saether, E., Hochhalter, J., and Yamakov, V., “Modeling Near-Crack-Tip Plasticity at Nano- to Micro-Scales,” AIAA Paper 2010-2733, in Proceedings of the 51st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 12-15 April 2010, Orlando, Florida
Gupta, M.C., Li, B., Gadag, S., and Chou, K.C., “Laser Micromachining for Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Applications,” Opt. and Las. in Eng., 48 (2010): 441-447, doi:10.1016/j.optlaseng.2009.09.
Iyengar, V.V., Nayak, B.K., and Gupta, M.C., “Optical Properties of Silicon Light Trapping Structures for Photovoltaics,” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 94 (2010): 2251, doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2010.07.020
Kim, J-W., Posey, A.E., Watt, G.D., Choi, S.H., and Lillehei, P.T., “Gold Nanoshells Assembly on a Ferritin Protein Employed as a Bio-template,” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 10 (2010)1771-1777, doi:10.1166/jnn.2010.2078
Kumar, A., and Gupta, M.C., “Laser Machining of Micro-Notches for Fatigue Life,” Opt. and Las. in Eng., 48 (2010): 690-697, doi:10.1016/j.optlaseng.2010.01.008
Kumar, A., Sapp, M., Vincelli, J., and Gupta, M.C., “A Study on Laser Cleaning and Pulsed Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Ti-3Al-2.5V Alloy Tubes,” J. Mater. Proc. Tech., 210 (2010): 64-71, doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2009.08.017
Lee, U., Song, K.D., Park, Y., Varadan, V.K., and Choi, S., “Perspective in Nanoneural Electronic Implants with Wireless Power-Feed and Sensory Control,” J. Nanotech. in Eng. Med., 1 (2010): 021007, doi:10.1115/1.4001413
Lin, Y., Williams, T.V., Cao, W., Elsayed-Ali, H.E., and Connell, J.W., “Defect Functionalization of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanosheets,” J. Phys. Chem. C, 114 (2010): 17434-17439, doi:10.1021/jp105454w
Lin, Y., Williams, T.V., and Connell, J.W., “Soluble, Exfoliated Hexagonal Boron Nitride,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 1 (2010): 277-283, doi:10.1021/jz9002108
Lovell, C., Kang, J.H., Fitz-Gerald, J.K., and Park, C., “Shear Piezoelectricity in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube/Poly(c-benzyl-L-glutamate) Composites,” J. Polymer Sci.: Part B: Poly. Phys., 48 (2010): 2355–2365, doi:10.1002/polb.22121
Nayak, B.K., and Gupta, M.C., “Self-Organized Micro/Nano Structures in Metal Surfaces by Ultrafast Laser Irradiation,” Opt. and Las. in Eng., 48 (2010): 940-949, doi:10.1016/j.optlaseng.2010.04.010
Nayak, B.K., and Gupta, M.C., “Ultrafast Laser-Induced Self-Organized Conical Micro/Nano Surface Structures and their Origin,” Opt. and Las. in Eng., 48 (2010): 966-973, doi:10.1016/j.optlaseng.2010.05.009
Park, Y., and Choi, S., “SiGe Finds a Fantastic Home on Sapphire,” Compound Semiconductor, 16 (2010): 18-21
Park, Y., Park, S.J., Lee, U., and Choi, S.H., “Nano-Scale Lateral Milling with Focused Ion Beam for Ultra-Smooth Optical Device Surface,” Recent Patents on Space Technology, 2 (2010): 51-58, doi:10.2174/1877611601002010051
Pugh-Thomas, D., Walsh, B., and Gupta, M.C., “Spectroscopy of BeAl2O4:Cr3+ with Application to High-Temperature Sensing,” Appl. Opt., 49 (2010): 2891-2897, doi:10.1364/AO.49.002891
Ransom, J.B., Glaessgen, E.H., and Ratcliffe, J.G., “An Overview of Innovative Strategies for Fracture Mechanics at NASA Langley Research Center,” AIAA Paper 2010-2560, in Proceedings of the 51st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 12-15 April 2010, Orlando, Florida
Ratcliffe, J., “Sizing Single Cantilever Beam Specimens for Characterizing Facesheet/Core Peel Debonding in Sandwich Structure,” NASA/TP-2010-216169 (2010)
Stramel, A.A., Gupta, M.C., Lee, H.R., Yu, J., and Edwards, W.C., “Pulsed Laser Deposition of Carbon Nanotube and Polystyrene-Carbon Nanotube Composite Thin Films,” Opt. and Las. in Eng., 48 (2010): 1291-1295, doi:10.1016/j.optlaseng.2010.06.002
Sun, C., Gupta, M.C., and Taminger, K.B., “Electron Beam Sintering of Zirconium Diboride,” J. Am. Ceramic Soc., 93 (2010): 2484–2486, doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2010.03832.x
Watson, K.A., Belcher, M.A., Ghose, S., Clancy, T.C., Frankland, S.J.V., Wise, K.E., and Connell, J.W., “Characterization and Computer Modeling of PETI-Based Coupling Agents and Adhesives for Bonding Titanium,” in Proceedings of the Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE) Spring Meeting, 17-20 May 2010, Seattle, Washington
Wohl, C.J., Belcher, M.A., Chen, L., and Connell, J.W., “Laser Ablative Patterning of Copoly(imide siloxane)s Generating Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Langmuir, 26 (2010): 11469-11478, doi:10.1021/la100958r
Zhao, M., Gu, X., Park, C., Jean, J., and Nguyen, T., “Development of Quantitative Electric Force Microscopy for Subsurface Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer Composites,” Nano, 21 (2010): 225702, doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/21/33/339801
Planetary Science
McDunn, T., Bougher, S., Forget, F., Kleinboehl, A., and Tolson, R., “Martian Middle-Atmosphere Climatology from Modern Spacecraft,” in Proceedings of the 38th Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly, COSPAR, 18-25 July 2012, Bremen, Germany