Title: Optics-Based Tip-Path Plane Tracking System
Speaker: Rick Sickenberger
Date: Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Location: NIA, Room 137
Time: 10:00am – 11:00am
Abstract: The development of custom embedded systems and other hardware to measure dynamic, performance, and acoustic data for quantifying the aeroacoustic properties of aircraft and developing flight path management techniques to reduce ground annoyance and far-field detection will be discussed. Technologies that will be highlighted include an optics-based tip-path plane tracking system, a pressure glove and data acquisition system designed to be temporarily installed on dynamic aerodynamic surfaces like rotor blades, and an acoustics measurement platform and flight trajectory planning system that can be flown on a hot air balloon to acquire seminal acoustic data radiated by aircraft. Use of these technologies and their applications to the validation of aircraft aeroacoustics modeling will also be featured.
Biography: Rick Sickenberger received his Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2005. He later earned his Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland in College Park in 2008 and 2013 respectively. His research at the University of Maryland focused on rotorcraft aeroacoustics. For his Master’s thesis, Dr. Sickenberger developed an optics-based tip-path plane tracking system for helicopter main rotors that was used on multiple flight test campaigns to validate the theoretical Quasi-Steady Acoustic Mapping (Q-SAM) modification for the Rotorcraft Noise Model. For his Doctoral dissertation, Dr. Sickenberger developed and validated a first-principles model to simulate the dynamics, aerodynamics, and acoustics of a helicopter performing transient maneuvers. This model was used to identify the contribution of noise during maneuvering flight to the likelihood of detection by far-field observers and was validated with acoustic and performance data from a full scale helicopter.
Since completing his studies at the University of Maryland, Dr. Sickenberger has continued to perform research in the field of aeroacoustics as the principle investigator at Delta Group International. His work has focused on SBIR and STTR topics that promote the development of new technologies that yield an increased understanding in the field of aerodynamics and acoustics.