Title: Model-Based Systems Engineering: Multi-Model, Multi-Domain Interoperability
Speaker: Nigel Shaw, Eurostep Limited (UK)
Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018
Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
Location: NIA, Room 137
Host: Kurt Woodham, NASA/LaRC
Abstract: The Systems Architecture Virtual Integration (SAVI) project contracted with Eurostep to bring together design representations, extracted from different but related models, for comparison. The project covered MCAD, ECAD, System models, complex behavioral/performance analysis models, and architecture models, recognizing the diversity of models used within MBSE. This presentation describes the test case challenges, using Eurostep’s ShareAspace collaboration hub, and the lessons learned. It shows how the test cases expose an industry need to develop more mature tools, greater interoperability and common approaches. The presentation will identify and comment on relevant industry standards, the proposed ISO MoSSEC standard (Modelling and Simulation in a collaborative Systems Engineering Context) and the management and use of models.
Bio: Nigel is an internationally respected expert and consultant in the area of product data and related standardization. During his career Nigel has been editor of the STEP standard and more recently has been the technical authority on PLCS (Product Life Cycle Support) and its implementation. Nigel has been Managing Director of Eurostep Limited since 1995. He led Eurostep Group’s involvement in two major European R&D projects on modelling, simulation and information management (led by Airbus) and with the SAVI consortium on model consistency. Nigel holds a MS in Numerical Computation from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology and a BS in Geological Geophysics from Reading University.